TinyCBOR 0.6.0
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under MIT License
ESP Secure Certificate Manager 2.4.1
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under Apache-2.0 License
LVGL 8.3.11
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under Custom MIT License
AWS IoT Embedded SDK v3.1.5
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under Apache-2.0 License
ESP-IDF 5.1.2
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under Apache-2.0 License
ESP-IDF Firmware components Various
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under Various License
LVGL/QR code Generator v1.8.0
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under Custom MIT License
FreeRTOS/coreHTTP v3.0.0
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under MIT License
FreeRTOS/coreJSON v3.2.0
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under MIT License
FreeRTOS/coreMQTT v2.1.1
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under MIT License
FreeRTOS/coreMQTT-Agent v1.2.0
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under MIT License
FreeRTOS/corePKCS11 v3.5.0
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under MIT License
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under BSD License
FreeRTOS v10.4.3
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under MIT License
LWIP 2.1.2
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under BSD License
wpa_supplicant 2.10
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under BSD License
MbedTLS v3.5.0
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under Apache-2.0 License
SPIFFS v0.3.7
Copyright (c) refer to the following URL
Licensed under MIT License